Sherri Tilley

Riding the Scrambler Safely With My Father

There was that one moment when what had previously been fun and exciting suddenly seemed precariously unsettling.

Riding the Scrambler Safely With My Father | by Sherri Tilley

© Posted 1/9/21 | Photo by Sherri Tilley | State Fair of Texas Midway | Dallas, TX

When I was a young, my dad and I would sometimes ride The Scrambler at a carnival or the State Fair. I vividly remember the two of us smiling and laughing as the ride would begin with a slow-and-easy sway before that characteristic motion gradually got faster and faster. There always seemed to be that one moment though, when what had previously been fun and exciting suddenly seemed precariously unsettling. My dad always knew just how to position our seating arrangement though because, as I recall, it was always ME that slid across my seat into HIM and not the other way around. Thus, I was always the 'squisher' and not the 'squishee'. My father would put his arm around me to hold me in place, and I felt safe as we enjoyed the rest of the thrilling ride together. Likewise, our Heavenly Father has positioned us perfectly at this very time and place in life; and He will, no doubt, use that strategic positioning to mightily express His great love toward us in the days ahead. So I encourage you to lean into the Lord God Almighty, trust that He has your very best interest in mind, and remain calmly relaxed during this wild time knowing that you are safely situated within the all-encompassing arms of a powerfully benevolent God who knows you, protects you, and loves you beyond imagination. Enjoy this exhilarating ride with all of its twists and turns, stop momentarily and throw up if you must, then closely gather those around you and keep on moving ? for there are many, many more wonderful amusements for all of us to happily experience together.

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe Proverbs 18:10

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