Sherri Tilley

My Grandmother: An Inspiring Example of Grit and Glamour

A strong Christian woman who was deeply in love with the Lord, she was a bright light in my life.

My Grandmother: An Inspiring Example of Grit and Glamour | by Sherri Tilley

© Posted 6/29/19 | Photo by Scott Tilley | Sherri Tilley, Laurelle Gray

This photo, taken by my husband Scott in February, is the last picture I have of me and my grandmother who passed away last night at the age of 94. In her younger years, she was a cheerleader, a pilot, a hair salon owner, and the most glamorous woman I knew. In her later years, she taught me to be bold, helped me become the best mother to my kids, and encouraged me to always set the table properly even for breakfast. A strong Christian woman who was deeply in love with the Lord, she was a bright light in my life; and I love that the beautiful landscape merely pictured in the stained glass behind us is actually her literal reality today. I love you G.G.!

The Love I Know | An Account of a Dreamlike Encounter Experience with Jesus Christ

The Love I Know: An Encounter with Jesus Christ

I saw Jesus in a dream once. Words can in no way adequately express the depth of love and kindness that emanated from this man.
Who Told You You're Not Beautiful? A Response to Lane Bryant #ImNoAngel

Who Told You You're Not Beautiful? #ImNoAngel

A question to ladies of all shapes and sizes: Who told you that you're not beautiful? And what price have you paid for believing the lie?
Making Us Great Again: A Trump Supporter's Message

Making Us Great: A Trump Supporter's Message

With unprecedented changes to our nation causing rippling effects across the globe, I hope at least one thing stays exactly the same.
Reading, Relaxing, Fishing, and Photography

Reading, Relaxing, Fishing, and Photography

Enjoy this visual recap of my recent 10-day escape to a different reality at Gold Mine Camp along the Vermilion River.
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